Monday, May 18, 2020

Britain s Failure Of The American Revolution Essay

The British empire was a dominant global power for centuries. They were victorious in many wars, including the Seven Year’s war. This war, however, was the beginning of the end for Britain. After the Seven Year’s war, Britain was left with massive debts. In an attempt to rectify their monetary crisis and diminish their debts, the British government decided to impose taxes on the American colonists. The colonists were hostile to this taxation, their hostility due mostly to the fact that they had no representation in British Parliament. This issue of â€Å"no taxation without representation† was one of the major causes of the American Revolutionary war (1775-1783). This essay will argue that two main factors can explain Britain’s failure in the American Revolution: Britain’s geographical location, and the disadvantages that came with it, which severely affected Britain’s ability to adequately supply its army in the 13 colonies, and Britain†™s general overconfidence and self assurance that its European style line infantry forces were superior to the unseasoned American rebel army, which lead the British to underestimate their enemies. Britain was geographically disadvantaged in the American Revolutionary war. There were approximately 3,000 miles separating Britain from its American colonies. This significant distance across seas made communication and transportation very slow. It typically took between four and six weeks for British supplies and communications to reach the coloniesShow MoreRelatedThe Industrial Revolution During The 19th Century1161 Words   |  5 PagesFrom the 18th to the 19th centuries, Britain was a far more developed country than any others in the world. There are more than one factor that made the Industrial Revolution happened first in Britain, some examples are: The Agricultural Revolution, the growth of population, The Enlightenment and the Scientific Revolution, World Trading, and the Cottage Industry. With all those factors, it comes down to: What started the Industrial Revolution? The clothe industry was one of the big factor. UnlikeRead MoreThe American Revolution1259 Words   |  6 Pages The American Revolution, one of the chief events in U.S. history, was an event that had its origins planted long before the fighting began. 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